Beauty Tips

3 Steps to Winter-proof Your Skin

The Aurora Medical Laser & Vein Centre staff would like to offer its deepest respect to all of those who have served in the Canadian Armed Forces. As it is Remembrance Day today, we would especially like to honour those who have given their lives in an effort to protect this great country of ours.

Now, we know that the winter season won’t officially start until the 21st of December. However, the need to protect our skin from frigid temperatures has already started. As you’re surely aware, super cold weather is an enemy of our skin.

As Melanie Pinola of explains, “cold winter weather can be a nightmare for everyone’s skin and exposed body parts—not just those who have sensitive complexions. The lower temperatures, cold wind, and dry indoor air causes the water in our skin to evaporate more, and as a result we get itchy, dry, and even painful cracked skin, not to mention dry eyes, which can also (ironically) tear up.”

Here are three important steps to protecting your skin during the winter:

1. Layer up!

While this step may seem like a no-brainer, it’s important we stress that all Canadians should layer their clothing during the winter. We’ve often been surprised to notice that some people still wear nothing but t-shirts under their jackets or ankle socks with running shoes during the coldest days of the year. It makes no sense! The Government of Canada’s Get Prepared website explains the proper way to dress for the cold.

“Dress in layers, with a wind resistant outer layer,” the site advises, “When it is cold, wear a hat, mittens or insulated gloves. Keep your face warm with a scarf, neck tube or facemask. Wear warm and waterproof footwear. When it is very cold, or when the wind chill is significant, cover as much exposed skin as possible. Your body’s extremities, such as the ears, nose, fingers and toes lose heat the fastest.”

2. Moisturize!

Try to avoid drying agents in the soaps you use to wash your face and in the lotions you use to moisturize it. The ones with pleasant scents often contain alcohol. They end up doing more damage than good. Pinola recommends moisturizing creams and oil with “non-clogging” agents such as avocado, mineral, primrose or almond oils.

“When washing up, use creamy, non-foaming cleansers and moisturizing body washes instead of more drying soaps,” she writes, “Also avoid astringents, especially those containing alcohol, since they can strip skin of its moisture.”

3. Try ProFractional!

It’s important to maintain a strong skin care regimen all throughout the year. Of course, the winter is when you need to pay special attention to your skin so that it does not get dry and cracked. At the Aurora Medical Laser & Vein Centre, we proudly offer a number of treatments that help to rejuvenate damaged skin. Among them is ProFractional.

ProFractional is a laser procedure used for improving the overall appearance and health of your skin by completing a series of treatments. It has been very successful in treating wrinkles, fine lines, post-traumatic scars, acne scars, age spots and aging and sun-damaged skin. For more information, please don’t hesitate to call us at 403-358-5818. You may also email us.